Tag: north riding point club

  • Best Bonefishing in 10 Years and 30% Off at Delphi

    Best Bonefishing in 10 Years and 30% Off at Delphi

    Since Hurricane Dorian, we’ve been talking to a lot about the status of the Bahamas in general, but also about the fishing operations.  There are a lot of different opinions on the effects of Hurricane Dorian on the Bahamas, but the truth is that the vast majority of the Bahamas was unaffected by the storm. Yes, we’ve lost a few lodges on the hardest hit islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. However, there are fishing lodges that are in great shape on both islands right now, and are having some spectacular fishing. Evan Peterson just visited both Abaco and Grand Bahama islands and reported that Delphi and H2O Bonefishing are back up and running – all systems go! North Riding Point Club and Grand Bahama Bonefishing will open in January. With virtually no anglers in either fishery since June, both have been rested for 6+ months and the fishing is as good or better than it’s been anytime in the last 10 years! The best help that concerned anglers can give the people of the Bahamas is to visit the islands, to get people working to bring some normality, and much income to their lives, and enjoy fantastic Bonefishing at the same time.

    The Delphi Club, Abaco

    The Delphi Club is offering a 30% discount for all reservations in January & February. Evan visited Delphi in early December and gave a very positive report. The facility was totally unaffected by Dorian, providing the same excellent accommodations (private beach, immaculate pool, delicious meals and comfortable rooms with amazing views of the Atlantic). What has changed is the delivery of brand new Hells Bay skiffs and a renewed vision of the fishery: Delphi has expanded the areas they are fishing on a regular basis, in addition to the Marls, to include Sandy Point, the Bight of Robinson and Cherokee Sound.
    January 27 – 31, 4-nights / 3-days, 8 rods, Save up to $1,590 pp
    February 2 – 9, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods, Save up to $2,841 pp
    February 8 – 15, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods, Save up to $2,841 pp
    February 22 – 29, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    March 1 – 6, 5-nights / 4-days, 2 rods
    March 16 – 23, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    March 26 – April 1, 6-nights / 5-days, 2 rods
    April 11 – 17, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    April 18 – 25 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    April 25 – May 2, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods
    May 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    May 24 – 31, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods

    Delphi Club, Abaco Bahamas December 2019

    H2O Bonefishing, Grand Bahama

    H2O Bonefishing is the only fishing operation currently open on Grand Bahama, leaving more 100 miles of shoreline all to themselves. While Evan was visiting Grand Bahama in early December, there wasn’t another bonefisherman in sight. The Mangroves are sprouting new leaves and the fish are healthy, happy and hungry. The Lucayan District is basically running like normal: The restaurants are open, the Pelican Bay hotel is fully operational and looks great. H2O was already a top choice for anglers targeting big bonefish, but should be at the top of the list. 

    January 23 – 30, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    January 30 – February 7, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    February 7 – 14, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    February 25 – March 3, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    March 3 – 8, 4-nights / 3-days, 4 rods
    March 13 – 20, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    April 2 – 9, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    April 9 – 13, 4-nights / 3-days, 4 rods
    April 20 – 27, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    May 11 – 18, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    May 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rodsChrist Allen of Air Flight Charters with a nice Grand Bahama Bonefish, with H2O Bonefishing

    The other islands, like Andros, Crooked, and Acklins experienced no damage from the storm. Many of the lodges on these other islands are starting to fill up because there are fewer lodges available for the rest of Winter and Spring seasons. Please find a selection of available space at some of our top Bahamas Bonefishing lodges from other islands described below. Please Note that all space listed here is subject to change. Call or email to inquire about current availability.

    Mangrove Cay Club, Andros

    Angler Adventures’ senior staff member, Doug Schlink visited Mangrove Cay in early November and filed this report: “This was my 4th visit to the Club since it first opened in 2000.  We’ve of course known owner/manager Liz Bain since she ran Cargill Creek Lodge in the mid-90’s.  She did a great job there and has done the same for her 20 years at Mangrove Cay.   The attention to detail here is truly amazing!  The grounds are literally manicured, the skiffs maintained in tiptop condition, the staff and service is blue chip and Chef Iyke’s dinners are to die for. Having visited all the top shelf lodges in the Bahamas, I can say Mangrove Cay is among the cream of the crop and is truly one of the best run lodge operations in the Bahamas, and the flats of Andros are as healthy as ever.  We fished Middle and North Bights and there was no shortage of fish. There are still some truly world class bonefish on Andros.  I saw one, first mistaken for a shark, that I believe was the biggest bonefish I’ve seen in 30 years bonefishing. I’ve landed 12 – 13 lb bonefish, but this pig dwarfed them.”  The Bights of Andros truly comprise one of the greatest bonefish habitats on the planet.
    January 4 – 11, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    January 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    January 25 – February 4, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    February 6 – 13, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods
    February 19 – 23, 4-nights / 3-days, 6 rods
    February 23 – March 1, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    March 14 – 21, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    March 21 – 25, 4-nights / 3-days, 12 rods
    May 7 – 11, 4-nights / 3-days, 4 rods
    May 28 – June 4, 7-nights / 6-days, 16 rods

    Bair’s Lodge, Andros

    February 12 – 16, 2020, 4-nights / 3-days, 4 rods
    April 5 – 11, 2020, 6-nights / 5-days, 2 rods
    April 11 – 18, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    June 13 – 20, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    June 20 – 27, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods

    Mars Bay Bonefish Lodge, Andros

    January 11 – 18, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    January 25 – February 1, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    February 1 – 8, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    February 29 – March 7, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    March 21 – 28, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    April 11– 18, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    April 18– 25, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    April 25 – May 2, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    May 16 – May 23, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    May 23 – May 30, 2020, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods

    Andros Island Bonefish Club, Andros

    January 11– 18, 7-nights / 6-days, 12 rods
    January 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 12 rods
    January 25 – 31, 6-nights / 5-days, 12 rods
    February 15 – 22, 7-nights / 6-days, 14 rods
    March 1 – 8, 7-nights / 6-days, 12 rods
    March 8 – 15, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    March 17 – 21, 4-nights / 3-days, 12 rods
    March 21– 28, 7-nights / 6-days, 12 rods
    April 4 – 11, 7-nights / 6-days, 14 rods
    April 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 14 rods
    April 25 – 30, 5-nights / 4-days, 16 rods
    May 2 – 9, 7-nights / 6-days, 20 rods
    May 9 – 16, 7-nights / 6-days, 20 rods
    May 16 – 23, 6-nights / 5-days, 20 rods
    May 30 – June 6, 7-nights / 6-days, 20 rods
    June 8 – 13, 5-nights / 4-days, 12 rods
    June 13 – 20, 7-nights / 6-days, 12 rods
    June 20 – 27, 7-nights / 6-days, 12 rods

    Andros South, Andros

    February 2 – 9, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    February 9 – 16, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    March 1 – 8, 7-nights / 6-days, 3 rods
    April 12 – 18, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods
    May 10 – 17, 7-nights / 6-days, 2 rods

    Crooked and Acklins Trophy Lodge, Crooked Island

    January 11 – 18, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    January 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    February 8 – 15, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    February 15 – 22, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    February 29 – March 2, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    March 7– 14, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods
    March 21 – 28, 7-nights / 6-days, 4 rods
    April 4 – 11, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    April 11 – 18, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    May 2 – 9, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods
    May 9 – 16, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods
    May 16 – 23, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    May 23 – 30, 7-nights / 6-days, 10 rods

    Grey’s Point Bonefish Inn, Acklins Island

    January 11 – 15, 4-nights /3-days, 8 rods
    March 18 – 25, 7-nights / 6-days, 6 rods
    April 22 – 29, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    May 2 – 9, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    May 9 – 16, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods
    May 16– 23, 7-nights / 6-days, 8 rods

    In addition to supporting the Bahamian people by spending money on a fishing trip, which is the start of the stability that many need to move forward, there is still a great need in general on both Abaco and Grand Bahama. During Evan’s visit, it became clear that in addition to Bahamians who are trying to rebuild their homes, there’s a second and third circle of needs for many living on Abaco and Grand Bahama.  In other words, people may have their minimum needs met, but there are secondary needs that are important to the rebuilding process. Our continued support for our friends in the Bahamas is needed as mush now as it was right after the storm. The following is a quick update from our September 9, 2019 email highlighting the Hurricane Dorrian Relief funds that are in need of money to continue the direct support of the people of Abaco and Grand Bahama.

    Air Flight Charters:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/victims-of-hurricane-dorian-bahamas

    The Delphi Club: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-delphi-club-abaco-relief-fund

    East End Lodge: https://www.gofundme.com/f/dorian-relief-effort-east-end-grand-bahama

    H2O Bonefishing: https://www.gofundme.com/f/h2obonefishing-hurricane-dorian-recovery-fund

    Please make note the currency is UK Pounds £

    North Riding Point Club: The club is very fortunate to have a 501(c) (3) through which we can direct assistance allowing your donation to be tax- deductible. Issue checks to Amiable and mail to Amiable, Inc., c/o Mark Andrews, 755 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC, 29464. Alternatively, if you would like to wire us funds send us an email and we will forward wiring instructions for Amiable’s 501(c) (3).

    Stay tuned for a more detailed write upon Evan’s Abaco and Grand Bahama Trip after the holiday.

    Happy Holidays from everyone here at Angler Adventures!

  • Bahamas Hurricane Dorian Relief

    Bahamas Hurricane Dorian Relief

    Bahamas Hurricane Dorian Relief

    Hurricane Dorian has left massive damage behind on both Abaco and Grand Bahama after hammering the Northern Bahamas.  Our hearts continue to break as more photos, videos, and reports reveal the full extent of the damages.  While we’ve heard from several of our friends and partners on both islands on the status of their fishing lodges, it pales in comparison to the importance of supporting the people of Abaco and Grand Bahama.  These are the people that hosted us in their country, guided us to bonefish, permit and tarpon, and became our friends.  Just about every one of them has lost their Homes, Boats, Cars, Businesses / Livelihoods, or most tragically, Family, and some have lost everything. 

    It’s been an emotional week at Angler Adventures as we’ve had conversations, many of them tear filled, with our friends in the Bahamas. It’s impossible to comprehend the true severity of the situation on Abaco and Grand Bahama, but we can all see that the people of both islands are in immediate need of our help.  They need an initial wave of support for basic items like clothes, food, water, medicine, temporary housing, and tools to start cleaning up.  Then they’ll need a second wave of support to rebuild their lives.  The first wave of support is starting to reach the people of Abaco and Grand Bahama, and so many people have made generous donations to one of the several GoFundMe campaigns recently established, which is a blessing and makes us proud.  However, the Hundreds of Thousands of dollars raised so far should be considered the beginning.  Please consider continuing to support our friends on Abaco and Grand Bahama by donating to any of the GoFundMe pages each of the lodges has set up to directly benefit their staff.  

    Please find links below for the fundraising efforts by some of our friends and partners, as well as a snippet about what the funds will go towards in this massive relief effort.  Each of these lodges is pledging to pass on 100% of these donations to their staff members. 

    Abaco Lodge: https://www.gofundme.com/f/abaco-lodge-hurricane-dorian-relief-efforts/

    The lodge is insured and we will be fine but our family, friends and staff are not so fortunate. We have set up a GoFundMe to support them – we hope you can contribute and we will keep everyone updated as we learn more.

    Air Flight Charters: https://www.gofundme.com/f/victims-of-hurricane-dorian-bahamas

    Friends & Family,

    We are happy to announce that we will be flying 2 – 3 relief supply flights per day for 30 days to the Bahamas based on your support and the support of others.  This funding will only cover 30 days of supplies.  We will adjust based on the needs that arise which appear to be large and ongoing.

    We have 5,000 square feet at Fort Lauderdale International Airport (our home / hub) specifically dedicated for this relief effort.  We will make this space available for any organizations that would like to join forces with us to send over relief supplies.

    Because we are located at a major airport, we ask for you to CALL IN ADVANCE if you are planning on dropping off supplies so that we can coordinate an escort to the hanger for the safe storage of the supplies.

    The Drop-Off address will be
    1420 Lee Wagener Blvd, Suite 103
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

    If you’re looking at buying online and have it shipped to use, you can send it to

    Air Flight Charters
    1420 Lee Wagener Blvd, Suite 103
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

    Deep Water Cay Club: https://www.gofundme.com/f/deep-water-cay-family

    Deep Water Cay has apparently sustained catastrophic damage. We are working with our DWC team members and homeowners to get a closer fly over and to soon land on our beloved Cay. More importantly, we are still attempting to reach all of our DWC staff. One thing we are sure of is that they and their families will need all the help possible to put their lives back together.

    We have received many kind words, requests for news, and offers to help. We have set up a GoFundMe page to accept donations for our staff and their families to offer the help they so desperately need now and in the coming weeks and months.

    We are asking for your help on their behalf while they begin to rebuild their lives and homes. This will be a long road. We will post updates on social media. We will also send another email when we have substantial news.

    Thank you for your support and generosity. Please share this news and request with your friends.

    Delphi Club: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-delphi-club-abaco-relief-fund

    While we were very fortunate at Delphi to have been far enough south of the eye of the storm to escape any real damage, many of our staff live in Marsh Harbour and they have experienced significant damage or total loss of their homes from both the winds and flooding. While our first priority is to help our staff and guides we also want to contribute to other local relief efforts too. Our goal is to raise $100,000 (or more) to help them rebuild their lives. This fund raiser is run by the partners / owners of the Delphi Club.

    East End Lodge: https://www.gofundme.com/f/dorian-relief-effort-east-end-grand-bahama

    I have started a GoFundMe, not for the lodge, but specifically for the people on the east end of Grand Bahama Island. For the residence of places such as McLean’s Town, High Rock, Pelican Point, Freetown, Bevans Town, Gambier Point etc. 

    When people think about Grand Bahama, they think about Freeport…I heard one newscaster report that “no one lives on the east of the island, it’s covered in sand flats.” Many reading this have been to the lodge and know that this is not the case.

    The people of east end Grand Bahama need our help.

    Funds raised will go to get much needed immediate supplies such as first aid, batteries, water, portable fans, generators, clothes, flashlights, food, baby food and so much more to the people there. Any excess funds will go to build back the homes of those affected.

    H2O Bonefishing: https://www.gofundme.com/f/h2obonefishing-hurricane-dorian-recovery-fund

    We are trying to generate some funds through a go fund me account set up for our staff who have lost varying amounts as to home and property and will have no income for months to come as the island and it’s infrastructure is rebuilt. We would appreciate any distribution of our link for funds….

    Please make note the currency is UK £. This is because the fund was set up remotely and from where I am, it cannot set up a US $ option.  To calculate your donation amount just multiple the Us $ amount you want to donate by 0.81 so if you wanted to donate for example $100 dollars then that is $ 100 x .81 – so you would then type in your donation amount as 81 UK pounds ( £ ).

    Little Abaco Bonefish Lodge: https://www.gofundme.com/f/little-abaco-dorian-relief-fund

    Little Abaco Bonefish Lodge was devastated by Hurricane Dorian. Your contribution will be put towards medical supplies, food, water, a generator, chain saw, batteries, lights, lodge repairs, boat repairs, etc.   Every penny helps and is very much appreciated!

    Sydney and Ketta are looking for any help available.  All proceeds will go towards emergency needs, repairing the extensive damage and hopefully, getting their lives as close to normal as quickly as possible.

    North Riding Point Club: Direct Donations are being accepted by wire or check.  Call or email for those details.

    Thank you for your overwhelming concern for North Riding Point Club’s employees in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and its catastrophic effect on the island of Grand Bahama.

    The NRPC family needs immediate help. We are arranging to get supplies to Grand Bahama by air and sea. As soon as transportation is cleared by the GB Port Authority items such as food, water, medical supplies, baby essentials, clothing, tarps, etc. will be in these initial cargo shipments.

    Many of you have generously expressed a willingness to make donations to aid NRPC employees, all severely impacted by Dorian. Please know that 100% of funds received will go directly to our employees.

    More Information:

    For anyone who’s interested in learning more about how much of a donation made through GoFundMe reaches the intended recipient, please visit their page at https://www.gofundme.com/c/blog/gofundme-fees.

  • Lowest Prices of the Year at North Riding Point Club

    Lowest Prices of the Year at North Riding Point Club

    LOWEST Prices of the Year at North Riding Point Club 

    13 pound Grand Bahama bonefish North Riding Point Club Angler Adventures

    Some of the best fishing for big “trophy” bonefish is on the North Shore of Grand Bahama.  North Riding Point Club is the only lodge fishing a vast and remote area of the North Shore.  Launching at North Riding Point, they are the only boats fishing prime flats 10+ miles east & west, and extending north including the remote water around the Sale Cays, Strangers Cay, and Carter Cay.  The fall and early winter are one of the most productive times to fish this area, especially for trophy, double-digit bones.  We just received some awesome openings at North Riding Point Club, and with the lowest prices of the year, now is the time to make a reservation at North Riding Point Club.

    September 21 – 28, 2019 – 6 Anglers – 7-nights / 6-days fishing
    September 28 – October 3 – 10 Anglers – 6-nights / 5-days fishing
    October 6 – 11, 2019 – 12 Anglers – 5-nights / 4-days fishing
    October 13 – 19, 2019 – 12 Anglers – 6-nights / 5-days fishing
    October 19 – 25, 2019 – 6 Anglers – 6-nights / 5-days fishing
    November 7 – 10, 2019 – 10 Anglers – 3-nights / 2-days fishing
    November 10 – 15, 2019 – 4 Anglers – 5-nights / 4-days fishing
    November 15 – 21, 2019 – 8 Anglers – 6-nights / 5-days fishing
    November 21 – 26, 2019 – 12 Anglers – 5-nights / 4-days fishing
    December 8 – 12, 2019 – 12 Anglers – 4-nights / 3-days fishing

    Please call (860-434-9624) or email (info@angleradventures.com) Angler Adventures for more information on these openings and to get the lowest pricing of the year at North Riding Point Club Click or Tap for more information on North Riding Point Club.

    Trophy Bonefish Wading for Bonefish North Riding Point CLub Angler Adventures

  • Bonefish Flies 2.0

    Saltwater flats fishing authority, Dick Brown, is releasing the second version of his Bonefish Fly Patterns book in June 2011.  Both of Dick’s books are considered must reads for any angler interested in improving his skills and learing more about bonefishing.  Sharing Dick’s passion for the sport, we’re excited to celebrate this all-new second edition by posting exclusive excerpts from Dick’s 2 books (Bonefish Fly Patterns and Fly Fishing for Bonefish) over next few months.  Many of you may have fished with guides mentioned in the book like Meko or Bully, or in locations after which flies are named, such as Mores Island.

    Check out the flyer here Bonefish Flies 2.0.

  • The “Bully Special” Fly

    Here’s another excerpt from Dick Brown’s revised Bonefish Fly Patterns, which was re-released this summer.  At Angler Adventures, we’re really big fans of bonefish guides that can consistently find big fish.  The fly below was created by an excellent big bonefish guide at North Riding Point Club on Grand Bahama.

    The Bully Special

    It's not pretty, but it is effective
    Bully Special Fly Photo: © 2011 Dick Brown

    A Bully Bevans design. Sample in photo was tied by Bully on a size 4 34007 hook and measures horizontally 2″ in length from hook eye to end of tail; bottom tip of wing is about 1 3/8″ below hook shank. A second sample from Bully measured 2 1/2″ by 1 3/8″ on a larger hook. Fly rides hook-point up.

    Hook: 34007; sizes 4, 6

    Thread: Fluorescent (Gotcha) pink or orange (actually burnt orange in hue) Danville Flat Waxed Nylon 3/0

    Eyes: 5/32″ Spirit River nickel-plated I-Balz weighted barbell with green iris

    Tail: Heavy (about thirty to forty strands) copper Krystal Flash

    Body: Wound pearl Diamond Braid

    Wing: Heavy (about thirty to forty strands) copper Krystal Flash

    Prey notes: Suggestive of dark and medium brown mantis shrimps found in the Bahamas.

    Anecdotes: New England fly fisher Ledge Mitchell was one of the first to use the fly, and he later scored a trophy fish with it. “Bruce Bauman and I were fishing with Bully at North Riding Point three years ago,” says Ledge. “We were doing OK but had had a couple of refusals, so I asked Bully if there was anything else we should try. He reached in his pocket and pulled out an all–gold-copper pattern, saying, ‘Try this.’ We had good luck fishing that fly— five bones, as I remember—and when I asked what it was called, Bully replied, ‘I don’t know.’ So I said to Bully, ‘I’m going to name it after you.’” A year later Ledge returned to NRP and took a 14-pound bone while fishing with fellow angler Carl Soderland and guide Deon Leathen. The fly? You guessed it—the Bully Special, which Ledge had tied on a big #2 hook. Author’s note: This fly, or one very similar to it, appears in the 2008 new and revised edition of Fly Fishing for Bonefish as the Deepwater Cay Club Fly. I have Ledge Mitchell (see his anecdote above) to thank for tipping me off that the pattern was, in fact, the Bully Special from the North Riding Point Club.

    Bully Bevans is a superb bonefish guide. He is the North Riding Point Club’s “big fish specialist” and one of the guides most often requested by guests there. His fly has been extremely successful on Grand Bahama’s productive north shore.

    Tying notes: Bully says he came up with this very effective big bone fly because he was out of flies and needed something to fish with for a client the next day. Good tying materials are notoriously rare in the Bahamas, so in a moment of pure serendipity, he tied his creation out of what he had on hand. It worked from the first day and is now his favorite fly. He ties it in sizes 4 and 6 only—he does not like it any bigger. He likes lead eyes for normal 11⁄2- to 2-foot depths and bead chain for shallower water, but none for tailing. Author’s note: I received three samples of this fly tied by Bully: two from Bully and a chewed-up sample from Ledge Mitchell (which may be one of the first Bully ever tied). One had I-Balz eyes and pink thread, one had unpainted lead eyes and brown thread, and one had nickel-plated eyes and fire orange thread . . . and all looked very fishy!

    Reprinted from Bonefish Fly Patterns, 2nd Edition by Dick Brown, ©2011. Published by Lyons Press an imprint of Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT

  • Argentina Trout Fishing, Bahamas Bonefishing, Monster Bonefish, Trout Fishing Chile, St. Brandons, Fly Castaway and the Seychelles

    Argentina Trout Fishing, Bahamas Bonefishing, Monster Bonefish, Trout Fishing Chile, St. Brandons, Fly Castaway and the Seychelles

    Skies Clear Over Bariloche, Argentina

    The June eruption of the Puyehue Volcano in Chile created havoc for fisherman traveling to Bariloche and San Martin de los Andes, Argentina in November, December and early-January. Because the wind blown ash is abrasive and damages jet engines, there have been virtually no flights into these regions for several months. On January 13, Lan Airlines announced that they are resuming flights to Bariloche!!

    Fortunately the ash did not affect Esquel, Argentina and our clients travel plans went smoothly to Rio Manso and Arroyo Claro Lodge. Dan and Margaret Benton returned from Rio Manso Lodge January 16 raving about the fishing (including a 10 lb Brown, see photo right) as well as the non-fishing activities. Mike Jones was equally ecstatic about floating the Chubut River with Jorge Grazosi, owner of Arroyo Claro Lodge. Mike landed over 150 trout of impressive size on his 3-day float.

    Getting clients to Hosteria San Huberto to fish with Fly Fishing Andes was more challenging, but those who went were rewarded. In December, Scott Boley counted over 100 fish caught by sight casting with a dry fly in a week of fishing the Malleo. Scott only counts trout over 17 inches! In early January, Jim and Joan Hunter also fished the Malleo and had the best fishing ever in 13 years fishing Patagonia, Argentina.

    We also added a new destination to our prestigious Argentine Outfitters, Estancia Tecka. Tecka is by far the largest private property catering to fisherman in the world. Located 2 hours south of Esquel, Tecka is a working sheep and cattle ranch, consisting of 435,000 acres. 45-miles of the Rio Corcovado, and 35-miles of the Rio Tecka Spring Creek run through the property. Cost is $5,600 per person per week (Saturday – Saturday). For space availability and details, call 800-628-1447.

    Gerry Weber with a 10 lb Bonefish

    Winter Weather Wins for Weber, Brenneman

    This may not be true for every destination, but in the Bahamas, specifically the North Shore of Grand Bahama, the coldest months (January / February / March) are the best time to catch big bonefish. We call it the risk / reward ratio. You run the risk of dicey weather; especially in January, but with a little luck, you reap the reward of a double-digit bone, or several. That’s what Angler Adventures’ clients found at North Riding Point Club in January 2011. Banking on their experience, they rebooked for January 2012. The fishing was good in 2011. It was spectacular in 2012, and so was the weather. Three straight days (January 8, 9 & 10) of bright sun and light winds produced daily catches of 15 – 20 bonefish. The best day was 28 landed and released with 3 fish over 10 pounds!

    Want to get in on the action? Book a trip to NRPC between now and March 1 and get a free night / day of bonefishing. This offer also applies to the months of March, June, July, October and December 2012. For details visit https://www.angleradventures.com/nrpcfreetrip/nrpc-promo.htm

    North Bight of Andros: Land of the Giants

    Yes, there’s a flat in the North Bight the locals call “Land of the Giants”, where any given day, you’re apt to encounter a cadre of double-digit bones. Our favorite lodge, located on the North Bight, is Tranquility Hill Fishing Lodge (THL).

    If the fishing itself doesn’t entice you, THL will sweeten the pot. For the remainder of 2012, you get a single room for the cost of a double fishing package. Example: 2 anglers staying 4 nights in single rooms, fish 3 days sharing a boat/guide pay just $1,665 per person.

    You get a single room at the reduced rate of $2995 per person, if you stay 7 nights/6 days sharing a boat/guide with your partner.

    In addition, anyone who catches a bonefish 12 pounds or bigger on a fly, gets a free return trip within one year! To be eligible for the free trip you must be accompanied by a companion who pays the double rate.

    This promotion is available exclusively through Angler Adventures and is based on space availability at THL.

    Bring your Boga Grip!

    Chile – Mice, Cantaria, and Trout, Oh My!

    Chile is known for big brown trout taking big surface flies, which is especially true in the Coyhaique area of Southern Patagonia. This season is better than most. The Patagonian Spring (November and December) was the culmination of the rodent boom in the Paloma River Valley. Anglers did extremely well skating mouse patterns for big trout, primarily in the Paloma, Magote, and Simpson Rivers as well as the Boca de Leon, and the Elizalde Outlet.

    2012 is a cyclical year that should bring a better than average Cantaria Beetle hatch. These are the largest beetle in Chile and can reach 3 inches in length. Between feeding on Mice and the hatch of Cantarias, which just started, the trout in the rivers surrounding Paloma River Lodge and Cinco Rios Chile are plump and continually “looking up” for their next big meal.

    St Brandon’s & Seychelles

    It’s been a tough year for Fly Castaway, the outfitter operating the MY Gryphon mother ship ferrying anglers to the mind-blowing bonefish, trevally, and Indo-Pacific Permit fishing ground around St Brandon’s Atoll, Mauritius. Owner Gerhard Laubscher told Angler Adventures he expects to have the Gryphon operational by late-March. Currently the ship is undergoing major repairs. Our advice to clients who have not yet booked a trip, is to consider a land-based alternative, such as Fly Castaway’s new lodge in Farquhar, Seychelles or the Alphonse Island Resort, which continues to produce spectacular fishing.

    We’ll notify you on the progress getting the Gryphon operational in our next newsletter.

  • Free Bonefishing!

    Attention all bonefish anglers: We here at Angler Adventures are raffling off a free bonefishing trip for 2 anglers to one of the best destinations in the Bahamas, North Riding Point Club.  This trip to Grand Bahama Island is valued at $6,600.  The trip is for 4-nights/3-days of fishing for 2 people anytime North Riding Point Club has space available during the months of January, February, March, June, July, October and December 2011 or 2012.

    It’s easy and free to enter – just email Evan@angleradventures.com for a chance to win this awesome bonefishing trip.  Or, give us a call at 800-628-1447 (860-434-9624) and we’ll be happy to add you. 

    Plus, to sweeten the pot, we’ve added a bonus promotion for everyone who enters the raffle. Stay 5-nights/4-days for the price of 4-nights/3-days. In other words, you pay $2,640 per person (October to the end of February and July), a savings of $660 per person or pay $3,300 per person (March through June), a savings of $900 per person.

    For more details, click below:

    Want Free Bonefishing?  Click here for more details.
    Wanna Bonefish for Free?
  • Bonefishing in Winter Water Temps

    One of the top 3 questions we get asked is, “When is the best time to go bonefishing?”  While the answer varies on the anglers’ expectations and their destination, here’s a good argument for fishing the winter months by Doug Schlink of Angler Adventures

    For years I’ve heard that you shouldn’t go bonefishing in the winter months (December, January, February, even March) because of the risk of cold fronts.  I’ve also heard and read that bonefish are temperature sensitive and it’s futile to fish in water temperatures under 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 

    Hogwash!  In 25 years of booking bonefish trips and making plenty of them myself, I’d like to offer my “observations” on the subject.   While I haven’t adhered to strict scientific doctrine, I always carry a stream thermometer on bonefish trips and check water temps frequently.  And in my opinion, it’s more important which direction the water temperature is moving. 

    Yes, when a cold front pushes in and chills the water temps on the flats below 68 – 70 degrees, bonefish will start moving off the flats if they feel the temperature dropping, into deeper, warmer water.  It’s generally accepted (and I agree) that smaller bonefish are more sensitive to cooler water temps and the bigger boys will stay up on the flats feeding longer with dropping water temps (and be the first to return on rising temps).   I know a few trophy bone hunters who go in January so they won’t have to weed through the smaller fish!  As the water temp continues to drop, the bigger fish will also move off into deeper, warmer water.  But I’ve witnessed bigger fish feeding on the flat until temps hit 65 degrees.   If the temp continues to drop or holds steady at less than 65, fishing will be slow.

    However, bonefish need to eat, and by design, they take their nourishment on the fertile, food-rich flats.   Deep water is Slim Pickens for a bonefish so they don’t like to stay there long.  It’s been my observation, that even when air temperatures are in the low to mid-60’s, if the sun is out, the flats will soak up the sun’s radiant heat and warm quickly.  As soon as the bones sense the water temperature is rising, they will return to the flats and feed voraciously.  And the fishing can actually be fantastic.  I’ve experienced this on numerous occasions, but perhaps the best example took place in late February on Grand Bahama a few years ago.   

    North Riding Point Guide Bully with a Huge winter bonefish
    Notice the Fleece? And the 14 lb January Bonefish?

    My fishing buddy, Mark Hatter and I arrived during a “cold front”.   The water temperature on the flat was 63-64 degrees our first morning.   But the sun was strong, and the flat was soaking in the radiant heat, and the water temp was rising.  We barely got line stripped off our reels before we were making shots at hungry bones.   The sun held and the water temperature continued to slowly rise (I checked it several times during the day), and the bones fed like gluttons all day!   At 3:30 pm as we reeled in, I checked the temperature one last time – 69 degrees.  We had boated 32 bones, all between 5 and 9 ½ pounds, and the water temp never even hit 70 degrees!  It was a spectacular day of high quality bonefishing – in the dead of winter, on the tail of a cold front – when you’re not supposed to go! 

    I’ve had other similar experiences that support my position.  And on the flip side, I’ve lost fishing days to wind and sideways rain in April and May, so called “prime time”.   The weather can bite you in the tail anytime.   The guy who said, “the best time to go fishing is when you can get away”, may have known something the “experts” didn’t!   So…Fear Not Winter Bonefishing!  You might just hit some of the best bonefishing you’ve ever had!

    Want to learn more about bonefishing bonefishing in the winter months or go on a winter bonefishing trip – Call Doug in the Angler Adventures office (800-628-1447 / 860-434-9624) or email Doug@angleradventures.com.

  • Cold Weather = Hot Fishing at Grand Bahama: #2 Simram Fools 14 Pound Bonefish

    Cold Weather = Hot Fishing at Grand Bahama: #2 Simram Fools 14 Pound Bonefish

    The bonefish in the photo above is a 14-pounder landed in February off the north shore of Grand Bahama. Carl Heilman, who landed this monster, also landed a tarpon (the group jumped 3 and landed 2). Chris Bamford landed the other tarpon, as well as the triggerfish, John Wilson jumped a tarpon and Scott Trerotola landed a 10 lb Mutton Snapper that was cruising behind a Ray. Each member of the group also landed several bonefish between 5 – 10 pounds..

    Bill & Liz Aldendifer also had a fantastic trip to Grand Bahama. Together, they landed several fish in 7 – 8 pound range, a couple 9 pounders, a 10 pounder, and a 12 pounder on Bill’s birthday. Bill came close to having a 14+ pounder in hand, but lost it at the boat when the guide grabbed the leader. Bill, a permit aficionado, said that the 14+ pound bonefish fought harder than any permit he’s hooked, even his 30 pounder in Ascension Bay.

    All of the above mentioned were Angler Adventures’ clients staying at North Riding Point ClubClick or Tap here to see Bill, Liz, Scott, and more photos of our clients with their fish on our Facebook page.

    Abaco has long been known for providing some of the best permit fishing in the Bahamas, especially down around Sandy Point. It’s only been getting better and the guides are seriously cracking the code. Oliver White, owner of Abaco Lodge, had a nice fight with decent permit on the outer edge of marls. Blackfly Lodge had a couple of good sized permit caught in the last month: One angler’s first permit was 25 pounds and another angler landed an astounding 38 pound permit.

    Blackfly anglers might have the permit bug, but there is more than just permit. Mac Haskell joined the 10 lb bonefish club and landed his first tarpon.

    Just south of the Bahamas, South Caicos produced exceptional bonefishing this season. Mike Rietbrock and his group found lots of fish over 6 pounds, and few pushing double digits. John Potter and his group barely made it to Beyond the Blue due to a snow storm, but were rewarded with several fish over 10 pounds. What makes these big fish special is that the fishing is 100% wading and mostly unguided. Click or Tap here for more information on wading for bonefish.

    Speaking of wading destinations, Grey’s Point Bonefish Inn on Acklins is the best in the Bahamas. Click or tap here for John Fraizer’s article that appeared in the last issue of Fly Fishing in Saltwaters (be patient while it loads….it’s worth the wait).

    Blackfly Lodge, Abaco Island

    April 10 – 13 – 2 rods
    May 10 – 13 – 2 rods
    June 12 – 20 – 2 rods
    June 21 – 27 – 6 rods
    June 29 – July 7 – 8 rods
    July 6 – 20 – 8 rods
    July 21 – 25 – 4 rods
    July 26 – 30 – 2 rods

    Abaco Lodge, Marls, Abaco Island

    March 6-10 (4/3) – 6 rods
    March 18-23 (5/4) – 2 rods
    April 28 May 3 (5/4) – 2 rods
    May 8-12 (4/3) – 4 rods
    June 14-20 (6/5) – 10 rods

    North Riding Point Club, Grand Bahama

    March 21 – 25 – 6 rods
    April 7 – 14 – 6 rods
    April 14 – 21 – 4 rods
    May 4 – 8 – 6 rods
    May 23 -30 – 12 rods
    June 1 – 5 – 8 rods
    June 14 – 30 WIDE OPEN!

    Grey’s Point Inn, Acklins Island

    March 22 -29 – 10 rods
    March 29 – April 5 – 10 rods
    April 12 – 19 – 6 rods
    April 26 – May 3 – 6 rods
    May 3 – 10 – 6 rods
    May 17 – 24 – 8 rods
    May 24 – 31 – 10 rods

  • Exciting News from North Riding Point Club and Turneffe Flats Resort

    Tim Comstock & Mercedes Kornfeld have been hired as the General Managers at Turneffe Flats Resort in Belize, effective October 1st, 2013. For the past 6 years, Tim & Mercedes managed North Riding Point Club on Grand Bahama Island. No strangers to saltwater, they spent the majority of their careers running luxury charter yachts in the Caribbean; Tim as captain and Mercedes as chef. They are warm and welcoming hosts, eminently qualified, and well liked by the 100’s of traveling anglers they’ve served.

    Turneffe Flats owner Craig Hayes said, “We are extremely pleased to have Tim Comstock and Mercedes Kornfeld join our management team this fall as General Managers. They bring a wealth of experience and we are confident that they will be a great addition to the Turneffe Flats team.”

    Save $575 per angler at Turneffe Flats through December 21st, 2013. Fishing Package (7 Nights/6 Days) $2,853.20 per angler/ double occupancy. Normally $3,428.25.

    Click here for rates and more information on Turneffe Flats Resort.

    Replacing Tim and Mercedes at North Riding Point Club (NRPC) is veteran lodge manager Paul Adams. Originally from Indiana, Paul was raised in the Bahamas, while his parents managed Deep Water Cay from 1976 – 1984. Paul attended school in McLeans Town, where he became friends with many of the famous Grand Bahama Guides, including NRPC head guide, Stanley Glinton, who taught Paul how to pole a skiff. Paul’s fly fishing instructor at an early age was none other than well known sportsman and author, AJ McClane. Paul and his wife Alison also managed Deep Water Cay for 8 years, from 1996 – 2004. Paul’s local knowledge, hands on management style and angling experience make him the perfect choice for this position.

    There is still some great fall space at North Riding Point Club.
    October 14 – 23, 2013
    October 30 – November 20, 2013
    December 1 – 14, 2013

    Book a trip any of these dates and you’re guaranteed to fish from one of the lodge’s new Hell’s Bay Marquesas Skiffs, plus groups of 4 anglers will be upgraded to the “Founder’s Cottage” at no additional charge (a value of $175 per night).

    Click here for rates and more information on North Riding Point Club.

    Our Services Are Free

  • Prime Time Space, Deals & Discounts, and Fly Fishing Travel News: Bahamas, Mexcio, Seychelles, and St. Brandon’s Atoll

    Black Fly Lodge

    The new Black Fly Lodge (photo right) opened March 1, 2013 with a capacity of 8 anglers in single rooms. Located in Schooner Bay, Abaco, the lodge overlooks the picturesque habour that is the center piece of this “community” development by Lindroth Development Corp. Black Fly has 4 new 18-foot East Cape, custom skiffs to compliment their new digs. Click here for rates and info.

    Open Dates: March 10 – April 6 (1 – 3 rooms); April 14 – 20(4 rooms); April 28 – May 4 (2 rooms); May 12 – June 1 (2 – 8 rooms); June 9 – 22 (8 rooms)

    North Riding Point Club

    North Riding Point Club (NRPC) has acquired 5 new 17-foot Hells Bay Marquesa Skiffs with 90 HP Yamaha 4-stroke outboards and new trailers. Also added to the fleet is a new GMC Yukon SUV. The boats are equipped with padded seats, leaning bar and power poles. The Hells Bay skiffs have been in use for over a month and clients and guides alike are raving about the comfort and speed, especially when making the run to Sale Cay. Click here for more info.

    Open Dates: (Call for Additional Dates)
    April 28 – May 1, 4 rods, $2,500 per person (pp)
    May 6 – 13, 4 rods, $5,340 pp

    Bair’s, Rickmon, Tranquility & Pesca Maya Complete Renovations

    Bair’s Lodge

    Bair’s Lodge spent January 2013 doing a major lodge renovation and boat restoration. All 6 dolphin skiffs have been reglassed top to bottom, as well as having all the seats and cushions replaced, new hardware, wiring, fuel tanks, lines and filters installed. Also installed were jack plates, so they can run in shallower water, and trim tabs.

    The kitchen has been expanded and remodeled. A sitting area was added adjacent to the bar. The retail shop has been upgraded. There is now a desk with a computer for guest use. The fly tying table and supplies have been upgraded. Bair’s is also in the process of finishing a common bathroom, so guests don’t have to go back to their rooms to use the bathroom. Click here for more info.

    Open Dates: March 24 – 30, 4 rods, $4,395 pp and March 30 – April 3, 8 rods, $3,095 pp

    Rickmon Bonefish Lodge

    Rickmon has upgraded each of their 11 previously double rooms to single occupancy. The new configuration cuts the maximum number of anglers in half. More space and fewer anglers! Great fishing, experienced guides, remote location, and a single room. Click here for more info.

    Open Dates: April 8 – 14, $3,000 pp and May 1 – 8, $3,520 pp and May 24 – 31, $3,520 pp. Single Room / Shared Guide.

    Pesca Maya

    Pesca Maya is in the final stages of a major renovation which will make it among the nicest lodges in the Yucatan and Belize. The centerpiece is the massive, 5,000 sq ft traditional, ocean front Mayan “Palapa”, which houses the kitchen, dining area, bar and lounge, the fly shop and a well stocked fly tying area. The kitchen will open next week and the palapa will be completed March 15. Click here for more info.

    Open Dates: April 14 – 20, $3,065 pp and April 27 – May 4, $3,575 pp and May 11 – 18, $3,575 pp. New Palapa Special: Take 20% off the rates listed for each of these openings.

    Tranquility Hill

    Tranquility Hill has upgraded and “resized” the lodge. The new configuration reduced the number of rooms to 5 spacious double rooms, each with 2 double beds, and 3 slightly smaller single rooms with double beds. Each room has a new couch/sitting area with 32 inch flat screen TV, small refrigerator, coffee maker and new quiet AC units. Also added is a brand new “Cottage” with 2 double bedrooms, common sitting area and kitchenette, for groups of 4 anglers. Outside is a new rod rack/ washing station with a rigging area. Click here for more info.

    Single Room Deal

    Tranquility Hill is also offering single rooms at a bargain price plus a free trip with a 12-pound Bone!
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    Open Dates: (Call for Additional Dates)
    March 16 – 23, $2,995 pp
    April 6 – 13, $2,995 pp
    May 11 – 18, $2,995 pp
    • Single Rooms (no sleepless nights with your snoring buddies)
    • 7-nights / 6-days fishing is $2,995 per person
    • 4-night / 3-day rate is $1,665 per person
    • Free return trip if you catch a 12-pound bonefish on the fly

    Available exclusively through Angler Adventures for 2013.

    Bahamas · Belize · Venezuela · Mexico · Seychelles · St. Brandons

    Abaco Lodge, Bahamas

    March 22 – 27, 2 rods, $3,825 pp
    April 6 – 13, 7 rods, $5,150 pp

    Grey’s Point Inn, Bahamas

    April 3 – 10, 6 rods, $3,250 pp
    April 27 – May 1, 4 rods, $3,250 pp

    Farquhar, Seychelles

    April 13 – 20, 3 rods, $7,500 pp
    May 4 – 11, 4 rods, $7,500 pp

    Sight Cast, Los Roques, Venezuela

    April 1 – 6, $3,290 pp
    May 11 – 18, $4,250 pp

    Mars Bay Lodge, South Andros

    April 13 – 20, 2 rods, $3,650 pp
    April 26 – May 3, $3,650 pp – Exclusive use with 6 rods

    Pleasant Bay Lodge, South Andros

    March 9 – 16, 4 rods, $3,300 pp
    April 18 – 25, 4 rods, $3,300 pp
    May 1 – 5, 4 rods, $1,650 pp

    St. Brandon’s, Mauritius

    April 20 – 29, 2 or 4 rods, 6,700 Euro pp – Permit Tides!
    May 13 – 22, 2 rods, 6,700 Euro pp

    Turneffe Flats Resort, Belize

    March 16 – 23, $2,849.33 pp (with 2 anglers)

    This is only a partial listing of available dates. Call or email for additional space or deals.

    Space availability subject to change (call for updates). The dates & prices published are per person and based on double occupancy accommodations and a shared boat / guide daily. Please call for more information.

    Hosted Trip to Grey’s Point Inn, Acklins

    Join Doug Schlink of Angler Adventures and John Frazier of Fly Fishing in Saltwater magazine at Grey’s Point Bonefish Inn, May 4 – 11, 6 rods available, $3,250 pp.

    New & Improved “What to Bring List”

    What you bring on a fishing trip is almost as important as where you go. Look for our newsletter on tackle, flies, leaders, and techniques for fishing the flats, coming to your inbox in early March.

  • 14 Pound Bonefish on a #2 Simram at North Riding Point Club, Grand Bahama

    Huge Bonefish fooled by #2 Simram
    #2 Simram fools 14 pound Bonefish & What’s New at North Riding Point Club

    The bonefish in the photo above is a 14-pounder landed in February off the north shore of Grand Bahama. Carl Heilman, who landed this monster, also landed a tarpon (the group jumped 3 and landed 2). Chris Bamford landed the other tarpon, as well as the triggerfish, John Wilson jumped a tarpon and Scott Trerotola landed a 10 lb Mutton Snapper that was cruising behind a Ray. Each member of the group also landed several bonefish between 5 – 10 pounds.

    Bill & Liz Aldendifer also had a fantastic trip to Grand Bahama. Together, they landed several fish in 7 – 8 pound range, a couple 9 pounders, a 10 pounder, and a 12 pounder on Bill’s birthday. Bill came close to having a 14+ pounder in hand, but lost it at the boat when the guide grabbed the leader. Bill, a permit aficionado, said that the 14+ pound bonefish fought harder than any permit he’s hooked, even his 30 pounder in Ascension Bay.

    All of the above mentioned were Angler Adventures’ clients staying at North Riding Point ClubClick or Tap here to see Bill, Liz, Scott, and more photos of our clients with their fish on our Facebook page.

    Paul-Adams-NRPCPaul Adams Takes Reigns at North Riding Point Club

    Replacing Tim and Mercedes at North Riding Point Club (NRPC) is veteran lodge manager Paul Adams. Originally from Indiana, Paul was raised in the Bahamas, while his parents managed Deep Water Cay from 1976 – 1984. Paul attended school in McLeans Town, where he became friends with many of the famous Grand Bahama Guides, including NRPC head guide, Stanley Glinton, who taught Paul how to pole a skiff. Paul’s fly fishing instructor at an early age was none other than well known sportsman and author, AJ McClane. Paul and his wife Alison also managed Deep Water Cay for 8 years, from 1996 – 2004. Paul’s local knowledge, hands on management style and angling experience make him the perfect choice for this position.

    New Hells Bay Marquesa SkiffsNorth Riding Point Club's New Hells Bay Marquesa Skiff

    North Riding Point Club (NRPC) has acquired 5 new 17-foot Hells Bay Marquesa Skiffs with 90 HP Yamaha 4-stroke outboards and new trailers. NRPC has also upgraded their fleet of vehicles with a couple of newer Ford Explorer SUVs. The boats are equipped with padded seats, leaning bar and power poles. The Hells Bay skiffs have been in use since January 2013 and clients and guides alike are raving about the comfort and speed, especially when making the run to Sale Cay.

    For reservations, or more information, please call Angler Adventures at 800-628-1447 or 860-434-9624 or send us an email at info@angleradventures.com.